It was a pleasure to be involved yesterday at St. Johns Regional college to assist the primary school kids with the Paul Wade cup.

Paul Wade captained the Socceroos and is one of the highest capped players for our National Team. He is also very well known in the local Greek community, playing for South Melbourne FC in the late 80’s, 90’s.

We thank him for his contribution to the game as well as the support that he brought to the participating students, St. Johns Regional College staff and our coaches alike.

Watch the video below of Paul giving our coaches a pep talk as they continue their journey to improve their game to their best. We invite you to share this valuable information with others young and old who wish to be a better version of themselves.




A special message from players and the Olympiacos FC coach for their wonderful history.




A special message from players and the Olympiacos FC coach for their wonderful history.



It is with great pleasure that we announce the identification and offer of a junior player assessment to Zachary.

Zachary’s parents received and have accepted our offer for our annual trip to the Olympiacos FC Main training centre in Athens. Olympiacos’ Renti training centre, currently sits within the top 30 European development programs.

Zachary, who currently plays for Dandenong City, has been identified to have the necessary skills to obtain the opportunity for an Olympiacos Junior player assessment. He will be travelling in September 2021 (pending international travel clearance), where he will be assessed by Olympiacos, which allows:

  1. The opportunity for him to be noticed by a top level professional club in Greece;
  2. Him to be reviewed and be potentially invited to return at 15 years old to complete his development as a professional player.

We’d like to thank Zachary and his parents for accepting this offer. We will continue to develop his skills at our Saturday Talent ID schools to better prepare him for next year.

At the start of this year, Zachary partook in our two free sessions, allowing us to identify his current skillset. Within 1 month of partaking in our program, Zachary showed noticeable improvement to both his parents and peers.

Our two free sessions are available to allow players to be identified whether they are currently ready for an overseas assessment.

In addition to creating a pathway for players who wish to pursue their elite career, the accessibility of this program also allows the players who desire to improve their game on a social or domestic level. All players, regardless of their ability levels, can remain at their existing club and train with us on a Saturday morning to further improve their skill levels.

We commit to improving the soccer landscape and sharing our knowledge for the overall growth of the sport.

To see whether you’re ready for a European assessment, or would like to see how you can improve your game for a social or domestic level, book in for 2 free sessions at or call us on 8592 0162 (9AM – 5PM Mon – Fri)

As the schools have reached their 3rd session, we establishing relationships with parents and players who value the skills programs.

Many players have recognised the value of the program as a viable supplement to their training, whilst parents are seeing their childrens’ mindset being challenged. Allowing the player to be challenged in an encouraging environment, motivates the player to understand and learn the drill. As a result of this, we have received a lot of feedback from parent who have mentioned that their children go home and repeat the drill.

By repeating the drill in their free time, this creates an exponential growth of the players skills, allowing the player to complete the skills program in a short amount of time.

We encourage all players who have not already tried our program to go to and experience our program.

Alternatively, feel free to call us on 03 8592 0162 and we will answer any questions you may have.


With a familiarity of the locations now in order, our coaches were able to further demonstrate our skills program to the existing and new players.

As the public awareness continues to increase, we began to notice a greater number of new attendees who had heard of the program and were willing to come and experience its benefits.

We are particularly grateful of the parents who brought their kids from regional parts of Victoria to see how their child can improve. This was met with a positive response from the players who were aware that the program challenged them, inevitably forcing a positive outcome of improvement.

All parents managed to witness the uniqueness of the program, understanding how the skills program teaches the fundamental requirements of a player. Through the completion of the program, the player learns ball and dribbling skills that allow them to understand where everyone is on the field whilst also understanding how to protect the ball and outsmart the opponent. This occurs regardless of the physical attributes of the player.

During the week, calls we received from parents who explained how the saw their children practising the drills in their spare time. We take delight in hearing that the players enjoyed the challenge and are willing to practise in their own time – something we encourage our players to do. Practising the drills in their spare time in turn allows the player’s skill level to increase exponentially, allowing us to teach them the next level of skill at a faster rate, ultimately preparing the player for their journey as a professional player at the level of their choice.

We will look forward to the next class where we share our program with more students and parents.

Thank you to the parents who have already publicly shared their positive comments about our schools. These positivity is a direct reflection on the 15+ years this program has been running for – tuning every drill and exercise for maximum benefit to the player.

We encourage all players who have not already tried our program to go to and experience our program.

Alternatively, feel free to call us on 03 8592 0162 and we will answer any questions you may have.


It was a pleasure to see so many excited players present at the opening of our Saturday Talent ID schools. Our coaches were faced with a diverse bunch of players, each at different skill levels.

Upon asking the players and parents of their reviews of the internationally recognised program that they witnessed, we received a unanimously positive response. Parents/players expressed their appreciation of a program that focusses on improving skill levels that cannot be attained by training less that 5 days a week all year.

One parent, of whom was an ex-professional was particularly positive, outlining some of the attributes of the program that showed that via repetition of key exercises, many skills will become second nature to the player which can then be engaged instinctively in the game.

We were approached by students, some of who are siblings of ex-professional players, who also shared their positive review with the program. They acknowledged that the program is unlike any others that they have witnessed prior, which teaches them key elements that improve them even further as a player.

It was a pleasure to hear such responses from the pubic. After 16 years of running the program, we have ensured that the program improves the fundamentals of every player. Our acknowledgement of Olympiacos FC was a honourable step, showing that our program is credibly recognised in Europe as program that can improve all players whether they choose to improve for their local club or to prepare for the European dream.

We will look forward to the next class where we share our program with more students and parents.

We encourage you to partake by obtaining 2 free sessions at

It is with great pleasure that we announce the commencement of the Olympiacos Saturday Talent ID schools in Melbourne!

The program run at Melbourne’s Olympiacos Saturday Schools has been developed and evolved over the last 16 years, delivering outstanding results to players who have achieved success in A-League and have obtained multiple player awards.

On Saturday January 18, we commemorate the opening of 2 schools:

  1. Elite Football Centre – Maribyrnong – 1PM to 2:30PM
  2. St John’s Regional College – Dandenong – 9AM to 10:30AM

Every Saturday, players are trained under the supervision of our EPSN Euro Scouts who identify players that are eligible for a Euro Pro Scouts Agreement. Our Euro scouts assess the players based on our programs’ criteria which gives you a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. This transparency is part of the honest process we provide to deliver you a clear understanding as well as tangible results.

To celebrate our launch, we invite all players to register for 2 free sessions at either our of our schools. We invite you to come and experience the program, see the difference and understand how our internationally acknowledged skills program will develop your fundamental skills which are vital in preparation for Euro Trials.

Get your 2 free trials here.


Mehmet started our Talent ID process that is now known as the Olympiacos Saturday Advanced Talent ID Schools for boy / girls 5-18YO, under the supervision of our EPSN Euro scouts in 2018, whilst remaining at his club.

Mehmet was then identified by our Euro Pro Scouts and invited to join the advanced full program that is now known as the Olympiacos Melbourne pathway.

Following Mehmet’s successful training under the supervision of our Euro Pro Scouts on the Olympiacos Melbourne Pathway, Mehmet has been scheduled for an assessment at Rentis Training Centre, Athens.

Mehmet’s visit to Olympiacos FC’s training ground will take place in the near future. We look forward to posting up news here on the results of his assessment.

The Olympiacos Saturday Talent ID Schools have officially been launched all over Melbourne.
To train every Saturday under the supervision of our Euro scouts until you get identified for Euro Trials, Get Identified for free here.

Carlos started our Talent ID process that is now known as the Olympiacos Saturday Advanced Talent ID Schools for boys / girls 5-18YO, under the supervision of our EPSN Euro scouts in 2017.

Carlos was then identified by our Euro Pro Scouts and invited to join the advanced full program that is now known as the Olympiacos Melbourne pathway.

Following Carlos’ successful training under the supervision of our Euro Pro Scouts on the Olympiacos Melbourne Pathway, Dominic has been scheduled for an assessment at Rentis Training Centre, Athens.

Dominic’s visit to Olympiacos FC’s training ground will take place in the near future. We look forward to posting up news here on the results of his assessment.

The Olympiacos Saturday Talent ID Schools have officially been launched all over Melbourne.
To train every Saturday under the supervision of our Euro scouts until you get identified for Euro Trials, Get Identified for free here.